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    Nai Hoi is married to Kum Keaw’s sister and he his job is to take the village buffalo out to the city to sell and kill them. His wife is very sick and she really doesn’t like the fact that he does this. She believes that it is very sinful. There are many young village people that want to be a Nai Hoi. Anyway his wife dies while he is away on one of these expeditions. Kum Keaw blames him cause he wouldn’t listen to her. her sister also leaves Nai Hoi to her care and she vows never to let him h 展开全部

    Nai Hoi is married to Kum Keaw’s sister and he his job is to take the village buffalo out to the city to sell and kill them. His wife is very sick and she really doesn’t like the fact that he does this. She believes that it is very sinful. There are many young village people that want to be a Nai Hoi. Anyway his wife dies while he is away on one of these expeditions. Kum Keaw blames him cause he wouldn’t listen to her. her sister also leaves Nai Hoi to her care and she vows never to let him have another wife. As she is over protective many people think that she just wants to keep him for herself. She of course yells and pouts in anger saying that it isn’t true.The village was poor and they needed money so they asked him to go on another one of his buffalo things and he agrees. Telling Kum Keaw that this will be his last one. She pouts at him and asks to come along and he refuses saying that it’s no place for a girl. She also meets the antagonist of this drama and he offers her a place in his parade. Thinking that she can ditch him later and join Nai Hoi’s parade. She goes with the bad guy and on many occasions he tries to rape her and she finally escapes and Nai Hoi came to help her. She is feisty when it comes to any women that comes near Nai Hoi. She was also told by the antagonist that Nai Hoi has a wife is every town that is along the way. Making her think that the night of her sister’s death he was holding some other girl in his arms.更新时间:2018-02-05 17:03:12 收起全部

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