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6.5分 2012年上映    

  • 简介:

    since the tragic death of his wife in a terrible fire that had destroyed their restaurant, martin and his beloved daughter katrin have been living at his father josephs house. the horrific blaze had not only stolen from him the woman he loved it also robbed martin of his only means of income. desperately struggling to make ends meet, martin starts driving a taxi, his deepest concern being able to provide his daughter with the basic necessities.更新时间:2015-05-14 22:30:48 展开全部

    since the tragic death of his wife in a terrible fire that had destroyed their restaurant, martin and his beloved daughter katrin have been living at his father josephs house. the horrific blaze had not only stolen from him the woman he loved it also robbed martin of his only means of income. desperately struggling to make ends meet, martin starts driving a taxi, his deepest concern being able to provide his daughter with the basic necessities.更新时间:2015-05-14 22:30:48 收起全部

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