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6.7分 2006年上映    

  • 简介:

    a hard working irish man has set aside most of his responsibilities to ensure he is able to live comfortably. he has neglected his wife, his son and his health and when competion comes in the shape of a business rival, it takes all he has not to have a breakdown. however, when he begins to see another version of himself around he begins to question his own sanity...   一个努力工作的爱尔兰人把他大部分责任放在一边以保证他住得舒适。 他已经忽视他的妻子, 儿子和他的健康,当他的商业对手与他展开竞争时 展开全部

    a hard working irish man has set aside most of his responsibilities to ensure he is able to live comfortably. he has neglected his wife, his son and his health and when competion comes in the shape of a business rival, it takes all he has not to have a breakdown. however, when he begins to see another version of himself around he begins to question his own sanity...   一个努力工作的爱尔兰人把他大部分责任放在一边以保证他住得舒适。 他已经忽视他的妻子, 儿子和他的健康,当他的商业对手与他展开竞争时,耗尽其所有精力以至崩溃。 渐渐的他开始看见不同版本的自己,他开始怀疑自己的心智 ... 偶然一次机会,一个都柏林人(由gleeson饰演)发现自己被一个跟自己极为相似的危险人物跟踪。更新时间:2015-05-14 23:15:28 收起全部

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