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5.2分 2009年上映    

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    hotel manager markus has just arrived in india to the delight of his aunt dorothea, the hotels owner. overwhelmed by the countrys exotic beauty, dorothea decides to organize a traditional indian festival of lights at the hotel.   everyone is enthusiastic about the eventeven the maharaja plans to attend. markus takes over the festivals planning and gets in contact with the maharajas son, shandro.  shandro reveals a secret to markus for a number of months hes been head over heels in love with 展开全部

    hotel manager markus has just arrived in india to the delight of his aunt dorothea, the hotels owner. overwhelmed by the countrys exotic beauty, dorothea decides to organize a traditional indian festival of lights at the hotel.   everyone is enthusiastic about the eventeven the maharaja plans to attend. markus takes over the festivals planning and gets in contact with the maharajas son, shandro.  shandro reveals a secret to markus for a number of months hes been head over heels in love with nadine, a young german from the hotels staff - which his traditionally minded father knows nothing about.  then one day his father comes to him with news that leaves shandro devastatedhe has chosen a bride from a respectable indian family for him.  when the maharaja learns of his shandros brash affair, he attempts to buy nadine off with enough money to start a new life without his son. broken-hearted, shandro asks his friend markus for advice. markus is determined to find some common ground between love, honesty and tradition for them all.  the hotel guests are also going through some hard times of their own. markus has already intervened in several marriage crises and family squabbles, finally, after a rocky start, the dream vacation in the exotic country of india can now begin for them all  dream hotel: india  drama  movie, 1 x 90  directed by otto w. retzer  starring christian kohlund, ruth maria kubitschek, erol sander, michael lesch  produced by lisa film for ard/orf in association with sevenone international  all rights reserved sevenone international - credits not contractual - different territories更新时间:2015-05-14 23:24:37 收起全部

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