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7.0分 2007年上映    

  • 简介:

    nishabd isn’t lolita nor is it american beauty, but it has few shades of these films; an experiment using poetry and camera as props a maverick filmmaker unravels uncharted indian cinema territory. the movie will definitely get very mixed reactions, as one man’s art can become another man’s porn. but due to its bold storyline, slow pace execution and definitely scantly claded jiah might keep many family audience away from theaters. but, powerful performances by both the protagonists, speciall 展开全部

    nishabd isn’t lolita nor is it american beauty, but it has few shades of these films; an experiment using poetry and camera as props a maverick filmmaker unravels uncharted indian cinema territory. the movie will definitely get very mixed reactions, as one man’s art can become another man’s porn. but due to its bold storyline, slow pace execution and definitely scantly claded jiah might keep many family audience away from theaters. but, powerful performances by both the protagonists, specially newcomer jiah khan is very commendable. 《nishabd》是ram gopal varma的新作,在这部电影里,他再度起用超级巨星amitabh bachhan作为领衔主演,而女主角则选用了新人jiah khan,她在电影里饰演amitabh的恋人。  amitabh bachhan在电影里饰演的是一个狂热的摄影师,一天,当他在一座花园给植物浇水的时候初遇了jiah khan。这位摄影师用艺术的视觉拍下了jiah因为玩水而透湿的照片,从这一刻开始,他们的爱情故事拉开了序幕。更新时间:2015-05-14 23:40:11 收起全部

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