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6.0分 2007年上映    

  • 简介:

    saiva:you mustnt fall for him. hell hurt you. one day, he will vanish into the mist the way he came.rnanja :i like him.rn塞娃:你不能爱上他,他会伤害你的,总有一天他会突然离去,就像他突然到来一样。rn安佳:我喜欢他。rnrnrnrnsaiva:warn us before you take the gun.rnloki:i didnt think.rnsaiva:loki, i need to talk to you. there is something i must tell you about me.rn塞娃:拿枪出去之前和我们打声招呼。rn洛基:我没想那么多。rn塞娃:洛基,我想和你谈谈。有些关于我的事,我一定得告诉你。...更新时间:20 展开全部

    saiva:you mustnt fall for him. hell hurt you. one day, he will vanish into the mist the way he came.rnanja :i like him.rn塞娃:你不能爱上他,他会伤害你的,总有一天他会突然离去,就像他突然到来一样。rn安佳:我喜欢他。rnrnrnrnsaiva:warn us before you take the gun.rnloki:i didnt think.rnsaiva:loki, i need to talk to you. there is something i must tell you about me.rn塞娃:拿枪出去之前和我们打声招呼。rn洛基:我没想那么多。rn塞娃:洛基,我想和你谈谈。有些关于我的事,我一定得告诉你。...更新时间:2015-05-14 23:48:26 收起全部

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