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3.8分 2011年上映    

  • 简介:

    christophe, a young french jockey, works hard on his career. to control his weight; he takes drugs and finally gets caught. suspended for 6 months in europe, he leaves for macau where rules are made to be bent. confronted with the unsound practices of the chinese mafia, he meets the enigmatic pansy, a young chinese beauty. they both will take great risks。克利斯朵夫是一位雄心勃勃的年轻骑师,为了进入大骑师俱乐部,他选择了继续他在亚洲继续职业生涯。在那里,他收获了成功、名誉、金钱和女人,正当意气风 展开全部

    christophe, a young french jockey, works hard on his career. to control his weight; he takes drugs and finally gets caught. suspended for 6 months in europe, he leaves for macau where rules are made to be bent. confronted with the unsound practices of the chinese mafia, he meets the enigmatic pansy, a young chinese beauty. they both will take great risks。克利斯朵夫是一位雄心勃勃的年轻骑师,为了进入大骑师俱乐部,他选择了继续他在亚洲继续职业生涯。在那里,他收获了成功、名誉、金钱和女人,正当意气风发之时,他遇见了一个特别的中国女孩潘西,潘西的出现改变了他的生活,也改变了他的职业生涯,这场爱情究竟会将他带往何处?更新时间:2015-05-14 23:48:47 收起全部

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