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6.2分 2011年上映    

  • 简介:

    purge: to put to death, eliminate what is undesirable. the serial killer known as purge lived and died by this code. but is he dead? driving home from a road trip, eric and shelly take a back road to avoid a traffic jam. they encounter the serial killer purge. eric survives but shelly is murdered. a year later, a group of adventure-seeking high school grads venture to purges lair. among them is erics brother juan. eric sets out to save his brother, and get revenge on purge. for the six teens, th 展开全部

    purge: to put to death, eliminate what is undesirable. the serial killer known as purge lived and died by this code. but is he dead? driving home from a road trip, eric and shelly take a back road to avoid a traffic jam. they encounter the serial killer purge. eric survives but shelly is murdered. a year later, a group of adventure-seeking high school grads venture to purges lair. among them is erics brother juan. eric sets out to save his brother, and get revenge on purge. for the six teens, their imperfections will be the deciding factor if purge shows them mercy. but if everyone is imperfect, will any of them survive?更新时间:2015-07-08 11:21:55 收起全部

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