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    《女士与路贼》讲述拥有八百万人口的纽约,街上人来人往,每天许多人彼此擦身而过。在下一个街口,你是否能与自己的另一半邂逅?本片故事围绕在纽约三对夫妻及情侣的感情纠葛,借由这六名纽约客分分合合、错综复杂的关系,用诙谐的对白和生动的情节,道尽现代都会男女沉浮情海的心境。这些主角不是虚拟任务。The young lady Panthea Vyne falls in love with the handsome highwayman who saves her from her brutal husband. He kills him in a fair duel. Later on when Charles the 2nd is reinstated as King of England she attends 展开全部

    《女士与路贼》讲述拥有八百万人口的纽约,街上人来人往,每天许多人彼此擦身而过。在下一个街口,你是否能与自己的另一半邂逅?本片故事围绕在纽约三对夫妻及情侣的感情纠葛,借由这六名纽约客分分合合、错综复杂的关系,用诙谐的对白和生动的情节,道尽现代都会男女沉浮情海的心境。这些主角不是虚拟任务。The young lady Panthea Vyne falls in love with the handsome highwayman who saves her from her brutal husband. He kills him in a fair duel. Later on when Charles the 2nd is reinstated as King of England she attends the royal court. But here she becomes the enemy of the kings former mistress and the plot against her thickens.更新时间:2016-01-14 12:21:47 收起全部

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