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5.0分 2015年上映    

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    《捕鼠者》讲述Emma是一名NYC的毕业生,两名黑客入侵了她的笔记本、手机、以及其他的网络工具,不断的观察并记录着Emma的生活隐私。当看已经不能够满足的时候,他们将监控设备升级到了更加危险的层级……Emma, a graduate student living alone in NYC, is being watched by a stalker who hacks into the technology that surrounds her - laptop, cell phone, and other web connected devices. This obsession continues to grow as the hacker records Emmas most intimate moments. When the thrill of watching isnt enough, the si 展开全部

    《捕鼠者》讲述Emma是一名NYC的毕业生,两名黑客入侵了她的笔记本、手机、以及其他的网络工具,不断的观察并记录着Emma的生活隐私。当看已经不能够满足的时候,他们将监控设备升级到了更加危险的层级……Emma, a graduate student living alone in NYC, is being watched by a stalker who hacks into the technology that surrounds her - laptop, cell phone, and other web connected devices. This obsession continues to grow as the hacker records Emmas most intimate moments. When the thrill of watching isnt enough, the situation escalates to a dangerous and terrifying level.更新时间:2016-04-02 16:34:51 收起全部

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