0.0分 2016年上映
- 主演: DannyGloverRobertEnglund
- 导演:克里斯蒂安·莫利纳
- 类型: 剧情
《我想成为一名战士》是关于Alex的故事,总是幻想暴力场景而忽略了和学校家人的沟通,导致逐渐自闭。I Want To Be A Soldier" is the story of Alex, an average eight year old kid who seems to grow a morbid fascination for images portraying violence. He begins to develop a communication problem with his parents and other kids at school, and closes in on himself, inventing two imaginary friends.生活中常用到这样的词,过犹不及、矫枉过正,词意简单,但若真“过”了,并演绎成性格、行为、事件,就不是一个 展开全部
《我想成为一名战士》是关于Alex的故事,总是幻想暴力场景而忽略了和学校家人的沟通,导致逐渐自闭。I Want To Be A Soldier" is the story of Alex, an average eight year old kid who seems to grow a morbid fascination for images portraying violence. He begins to develop a communication problem with his parents and other kids at school, and closes in on himself, inventing two imaginary friends.生活中常用到这样的词,过犹不及、矫枉过正,词意简单,但若真“过”了,并演绎成性格、行为、事件,就不是一个简单的问题了。说一个人太过固执刻板有偏执的倾向,很多的时候是从这个人对待事物的态度上初见端倪的,通常表现为夸大各种情感,特别是令自己失望伤心的情绪,并用自己主观的意念揣度一切,直至精神分裂异常,做出过激的反应。更新时间:2016-06-26 23:32:50 收起全部