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5.0分 2017年上映    

  • 简介:

    《梦中的简》讲述了害怕孤独一个人的少女有一天在她面前出现了一位像梦境一样神秘的女人“简”从那天以后,每天都期待与简的简单幸福。Runaway Sohyun is left all alone after her boyfriend disappears. She soon meets transgender Jane, and joins the family of runaways in her care. Janes family is full of warmth and compassion, just like a real family. But the good times pass her by too quickly.更新时间:2017-09-27 03:19:20 展开全部

    《梦中的简》讲述了害怕孤独一个人的少女有一天在她面前出现了一位像梦境一样神秘的女人“简”从那天以后,每天都期待与简的简单幸福。Runaway Sohyun is left all alone after her boyfriend disappears. She soon meets transgender Jane, and joins the family of runaways in her care. Janes family is full of warmth and compassion, just like a real family. But the good times pass her by too quickly.更新时间:2017-09-27 03:19:20 收起全部

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