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10.0分 2017年上映    

  • 简介:

    Shawn and Zach are young lovers who move into a guest house together on an estate owned by Mr. and Mrs. Marino. When bizarre events begin to occur with increasingdanger| Zach slowly remembers a forgotten time in his childhood when he suffered from what appeared to be a severe and violent psychosis - memories erased by asseries of electroconvulsive shock treatments administered by his psychiatrist. As the terrors surrounding their lives grow to deadly proportions and innocent peopleare slaughtere 展开全部

    Shawn and Zach are young lovers who move into a guest house together on an estate owned by Mr. and Mrs. Marino. When bizarre events begin to occur with increasingdanger| Zach slowly remembers a forgotten time in his childhood when he suffered from what appeared to be a severe and violent psychosis - memories erased by asseries of electroconvulsive shock treatments administered by his psychiatrist. As the terrors surrounding their lives grow to deadly proportions and innocent peopleare slaughtered| Zach is forced to question his own sanity and fears for Shawns safety. Once the threat of psychotic behavior turns into the possibility of demonicpossession| Zach is confronted with a horrific reality he never could before have imagined更新时间:2017-10-09 01:03:40 收起全部

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