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    将满50岁的西蒙是一名杰出的小提琴家,他看破一切,对世事不抱任何幻想。因缘际会之下,西蒙来到巴黎一所初级中学,教导六年级学生演奏小提琴,但其严谨的教学方式,让他难以和顽皮捣蛋的孩子们建立关系,为此吃尽苦头。教室裡一位异常害羞的男孩阿诺,对小提琴深感著迷,西蒙被阿诺的天赋深深打动,在班上的欢乐气氛感染之下,也渐渐重拾音乐带来的快乐。身为菜鸟教师的西蒙,能有足够毅力克服重重障碍、并实现带领孩子登上巴黎爱乐厅的承诺吗?Simon, approaching fifty, is a distinguished but disillusioned violinist. He winds up 展开全部

    将满50岁的西蒙是一名杰出的小提琴家,他看破一切,对世事不抱任何幻想。因缘际会之下,西蒙来到巴黎一所初级中学,教导六年级学生演奏小提琴,但其严谨的教学方式,让他难以和顽皮捣蛋的孩子们建立关系,为此吃尽苦头。教室裡一位异常害羞的男孩阿诺,对小提琴深感著迷,西蒙被阿诺的天赋深深打动,在班上的欢乐气氛感染之下,也渐渐重拾音乐带来的快乐。身为菜鸟教师的西蒙,能有足够毅力克服重重障碍、并实现带领孩子登上巴黎爱乐厅的承诺吗?Simon, approaching fifty, is a distinguished but disillusioned violinist. He winds up teaching a 6th-grade orchestra class at a Parisian middle school. One young student, Arnold, is painfully shy, but finds that he has a natural talent for the violin. Inspired by Arnold’s raw talent and the warm enthusiasm of the class, Simon regains his joie de vivre and rediscovers his love of music. But will he be able to overcome the obstacles and keep his promise to take the class to perform at the Paris Philharmonic?更新时间:2018-03-16 23:42:40 收起全部

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