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10.0分 2018年上映    

  • 简介:

    After receiving a cryptic message, American skeptic Jamie travels to the Indian Himalayas to pick up on the trail of his disappeared girlfriend. There, he discovers a secretive community led by a guru with strange powers who may or may not be involved in her disappearance. As Jamie travels deeper down the rabbit hole, he quickly realizes he may have uncovered more than he barga...更新时间:2018-04-02 23:51:23 展开全部

    After receiving a cryptic message, American skeptic Jamie travels to the Indian Himalayas to pick up on the trail of his disappeared girlfriend. There, he discovers a secretive community led by a guru with strange powers who may or may not be involved in her disappearance. As Jamie travels deeper down the rabbit hole, he quickly realizes he may have uncovered more than he barga...更新时间:2018-04-02 23:51:23 收起全部

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