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4.7分 2016年上映    

  • 简介:

    《毁灭者》讲述前美国联邦特工必须放弃他的证人保护计划,并在回他伦敦的家因总部提供错误的地址误入侵时一所住宅而杀多人,他上新闻头条,现在官方在通缉他,而欧洲最危险的刺客也在找他,而他的女儿也生活在危险中,他作为一个父亲必须保证她的安全,不能再隐藏下去。A former US Federal Agent must abandon the witness protection program and come out of hiding when his London home is invaded in error due to a wrong address. When the event ends with multiple homicides, the news triggers those hunting him to send Eur 展开全部

    《毁灭者》讲述前美国联邦特工必须放弃他的证人保护计划,并在回他伦敦的家因总部提供错误的地址误入侵时一所住宅而杀多人,他上新闻头条,现在官方在通缉他,而欧洲最危险的刺客也在找他,而他的女儿也生活在危险中,他作为一个父亲必须保证她的安全,不能再隐藏下去。A former US Federal Agent must abandon the witness protection program and come out of hiding when his London home is invaded in error due to a wrong address. When the event ends with multiple homicides, the news triggers those hunting him to send Europes most dangerous assassin to kill him. Now on the run with his daughters life in jeopardy, a determined father must get her to safety before the people hes been hiding from tracks him down.更新时间:2018-06-14 20:03:29 收起全部

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