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8.0分 2018年上映    

  • 简介:

    Alia decides to leave Bangkok and return to Jakarta once after her parents died. She and Abel, her teenage sister, moved into their childhood home away from the city. But Abel, who was often strange and frightened, disliked the house. He said there was something else besides them. Alia and Davin, Alia's girlfriend who accompanied Alia, were ignore everything which Abel said. But Abel's attitude is getting worse. Feel she must to help Abel, Alia intends to take Abel to a psychiatrist. But 展开全部

    Alia decides to leave Bangkok and return to Jakarta once after her parents died. She and Abel, her teenage sister, moved into their childhood home away from the city. But Abel, who was often strange and frightened, disliked the house. He said there was something else besides them. Alia and Davin, Alia's girlfriend who accompanied Alia, were ignore everything which Abel said. But Abel's attitude is getting worse. Feel she must to help Abel, Alia intends to take Abel to a psychiatrist. But Abel refuses and she says that she can see those who are already dead because her third eye has been open since childhood. Abel invites Alia to see Mrs. Windu, a psychic who has been always helping Abel. Want to prove all the things that make no sense to this, Alia asked Mrs. Windu to open her third eye. And slowly, Alia began to experience unusual events. She began to see skmething that no one else could see, and the presence of ghosts who asked her help. But them who were appears at Alia's house更新时间:2018-10-01 15:38:28 收起全部

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