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10.0分 2019年上映    

  • 简介:

    William who has a simple job, he makes dead bodies disappear. This isnt something he likes to or even wants to do, but through circumstances out of his control, his little farm house in the country has become a dumping ground for the casualties of the gang related murders in the nearby city. His daughter Gloria has become used to rough looking men dropping off corpses and is even convinced that some of them are haunting their house. After a womans body, is dumped at the house, William begins his 展开全部

    William who has a simple job, he makes dead bodies disappear. This isnt something he likes to or even wants to do, but through circumstances out of his control, his little farm house in the country has become a dumping ground for the casualties of the gang related murders in the nearby city. His daughter Gloria has become used to rough looking men dropping off corpses and is even convinced that some of them are haunting their house. After a womans body, is dumped at the house, William begins his meticulous process when he realizes, shes not actually dead. As the gang activity increases, William patches the woman up and holds her against her will until he can figure out what to do with her. As they begin to develop a very unusual respect for each other, the womans murderers get word that shes still alive and make plan to go finish what they started.更新时间:2019-05-09 00:18:56 收起全部

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